Hi Lovelies, in this video I have pointed out important things about drugs or medications that many of us take for granted. Do you know that the drugs you take can actually be killing you if you abuse it? Do you even understand what drug abuse mean? How well do you know you drugs?

The drugs you take which are supposed to treat or cure you may actually be harming you. Knowledge, they say is power, watch this video and acquire knowledge which you can apply in your everyday life. I have shared other articles and videos on how easy it is to eat fruits and vegetables as well as the benefits of moringa, do feel free to check them out also.

I really hope the video is very useful and helpful to you to help you understand how well you know your drugs as well as the consequences of taking drugs carelessly . If you like this video or if you like videos like this, please give me a thumbs up and be sure to ‭subscribe to my channel and click on the bell icon so you can get notifications anytime I post a new video‬.

Also, please share this video so that your friends and family can also benefit from it. See you in another video, meanwhile, keep living a healthy life!

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