Hello my beautiful people. I’m glad to have you back on my blog. In today’s article, I am showing you how to grow water leaves in a bowl or in a plastic container or whatever it is you intend to use. You can also make use sack for this method of farming. It doesn’t matter what you use to plant your waterleaf, what really matters if whether you have the space or not.


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In the above image, I mixed some soil with cow dung or cow poo which is a form of fertilizer and a rich source of nutrients for the pants. I have also drilled a lot of holes in the bowl to allow for excess water to get out either when it rains or when I get to water the plants. You can also make your free liquid fertilizers from your food scraps at home, see how.

In this video, I have showed how you can drill holes in a plastic container or bucket with which you choose to grow your crops or plant in. When adding soil, you need to add soil about 2 inches above the original level you intend for it to be. This is because once water gets in contact with the soil, the soil gets compact and reduces in level and then you would realize you have not added sufficient soil but make sure that eventually, the soil level remains about 2 inches below the level of the container to allow water and nutrients remain in the container while watering your plants.

I simply replanted water leaf that I bought from the market, no big deal. You can actually grow water leaf from the seeds, stems as is in this case as well as even the leaves. If you intend harvesting the seeds, then you can leave the plants for longer so that the seeds can mature properly, then you can harvest and store them for your next planting season.

Read also   How To Cook Porridge Yam With Dry Fish #Brinacreationstv

See an update video of my liquid fertilizer update here

Meanwhile, did you know you can start waterleaf farming as a main or even a side hustle and make a lot of money?. It takes only about 2 to 3 months for waterleaf to get mature enough for harvesting. When growing from seeds, it may take longer but it takes a shorter time when growing from the stems. The good thing about it is that you do not even need to uproot the plant when harvesting, you can simply cut them up and leave the rest with the roots to keep regrowing.

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I understand that what I have in this image is barely enough for what I need for my family buy hey, it is just a wake up call for you to know that you can not only grow waterleaf in containers but you can do business growing them and make a lot of money.

Lest I forget, I have shared with you my growing experinece for waterleaf during the dry season. This is to help you understand that you can actually grow waterleaf all year round as long as you have a way to constantly water your plants. In the Northern part of Nigeria where irrigation is very common, farmers are able to grow certain crops all year round because they are able to water them constantly.

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So guys, I hope you have been able to learn a thing or two from this video, please let me know if you have by giving me a thumbs up and then subscribe to my blog for more useful articles. Feel free to also share this article with your friends and family and of course Drop your comments below let me know what your thoughts are about this article. I’ll be seeing you guys next weel. Bye for now and make sure to stay safe and be good. Love you

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