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There are studies that eating fish and vegetable is healthier than beef and may cause the consumer to live longer, and even more significant in older people.

Some studies have it that People with the highest blood levels of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), which come from fish and plants, were significantly less likely to die from heart disease or any cause over about 15 years than those with the lowest levels.

According to senior study author Dr. Ulf Riserus, the study supports current dietary guidelines that advise having sufficient intake of both fish and vegetable oils in a heart-healthy diet.

Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are the “good” kind that can promote healthy cholesterol levels, especially when used in place of saturated and trans fats, the “bad” actors.

Said fats are found in fish such as salmon, trout, and herring, as well as in avocados, olives, walnuts and liquid vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, safflower, canola, olive, and sunflower.

Current dietary guidelines suggest that most adults should get no more than 20 to 35% of daily calories from fats.

Most of this should come from good fats, with no more than 10% from saturated fats and as little trans fat as possible.

There is, therefore, general advice that people should strive to eat more plants and fewer animals.

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