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I’m usually a very busy person because of the job I have. See the video here. This has forced me to devise ways of preparing myself during the weekends for the weekdays ahead. I usually meal prep by cooking certain foods in bulk and storing them in the freezer so I would use them during


Here are 26 easy ways to save money on groceries before you even leave the house for shopping! It’s really not a big deal, you know, it comes with no extra work, it has no extra cost, you don’t have to deprive yourself of anything and you don’t have to clip any coupons. Please check out


SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE I love to cook a lot, I also enjoy preparing my ingredients myself which I also do a lot. Since I love eating healthy, I try to make sure I prepare my vegetables in the cleanest and healthiest ways possible. SEE VIDEO HERE On a normal day, I prefer to


As someone who loves to eat healthily and maintain a healthy lifestyle, I enjoy cutting my vegetables myself for two major reasons. The first reason is that I get to wash them properly to remove any dirt and reduce the risk of any contaminations if any. The second reason is that I get to wash