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Hello and welcome to my blog. As you may have observed, I preach a lot about healthy living which of course cannot be achieved without a healthy diet. So, today I will be sharing with you a recipe I came up with. In my family, my parents hardly want to eat bread or rice without some form of vegetable(s) in it and of course some kind of sauce. Over time, I will be sharing ideas of how I go about my healthy diets in a stress-free way.

The day before, we went shopping and got this loaf of bread from Shoprite and canned chicken breast (I know I preach against processed foods, lol) among other stuff. I decided to make some sauce with the canned chicken breast and of course some other ingredients at home.

Ingredients You Need;

  1. Canned Chicken breast. You may use fresh chicken breast if you choose
  2. Bread Loaf. You can also have it with rice, yam, pasta or any food of your choice
  3. Tomatoes puree. You can also use fresh tomatoes
  4. Vegetable oil. You may use soy oil, coconut oil or olive oil
  5. Seasoning cubes
  6. Curry/ Thyme. You may add any other spice of your choice
  7. Carrots
  8. Green beans and green peas if you choose,
  9. Spring onions
  10. Onions, ginger, and garlic depending on your choice
  11. Salt to taste
  12. Pepper to taste
  13. Lettuce


  1. You start by placing your pot on the stove or gas burner. Let all the water in the pan or pot dry out
  2. You then add the vegetable oil of your choice, let it heat
  3. Add your diced onions, ginger and garlic. You may skip the garlic and ginger
  4. Pour in your tomato puree or fresh tomatoes. Let fry for about 5 to 10minutes, depending on the quantity you are making
  5. Pour in your diced carrots and green peans, allow to fry
  6. Add your curry, thyme, seasoning cubes and other spices of your choice and of course salt and pepper
  7. With a spoon, scoop the chicken into the pot as desired and allow to cook for about 5 to 10 minutes
  8. Once done, sprinkle your spring onions into the pot and you are done.
Read also   How To Cut Vegetables Ugu Or Pumpkin Leaves

Here is what the finished product looks like

You can serve with whatever you wish. In my case, I served with bread and I added extra sliced lettuce. You may add onions in the lettuce if you choose. You may even use any vegetable of your choice as the idea is to

I then washed it down with Moringa tea. I will be sharing with you how to make moringa tea pretty soon.

I really hope you are able to try out this recipe, you will love it. Do feel free to share your recipes with me. Meanwhile, do not forget to like, share and comment as I would love to read from you. Cheers!

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